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Painting with Alcohol Inks

Instructor: Karen Zukas

Location: 127 West Rodney French Blvd. NB

Ages: 15 to 110 

Format: 2  hour workshop

Date Tuesday, February 4th

Time:  10 to noon

Fee: $55   ~ All Materials included, inks, brushes, alcohol, 2 socket plates, poster board, yupo style paper, 2 glazed white ceramic tiles.

Painting with Alcohol Inks

  • Alcohol inks are the new rage in artistic medium.  They are fast drying, highly pigmented, alcohol soluable inks.  They produce an ethereal and abstract effect.  They're  great when used on hard, non porous surfaces such as glass, metal, plastic, ceramic, stone, leather, when the ink is applied, the alcohol evaporates, leaving the dye behind extraordinary patterns and versatile effects.  Come and experiment with Karen, she'll show you techniques with quills, swabs, straws, brushes, you'll learn layering techniques, blooming, blending and so much more.  Come prepared to experiment and you'll be amazed by the bright and vibrant results !  

    • Karen Charbonneau Zukas is a graduate of Tufts university and The School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston with a master’s degree in education from Western New England University. She is a recognized portrait painter and potter and former columnist for the Bulletin in Boston. She has been teaching various subjects, primarily advanced ESL, fine art, writing, test prep, debate and humanities; at universities, preparatory, public, private and international schools and community ed in Boston and now locally for over 35 years. She and her family moved back to the south coast in 2013. She is currently working on a book which is a series of short animal stories from her personal experiences. She is the proprietor of Peasantware Pottery in New Bedford and the founder of The New Bedford Art and Cultural Emporium at Kilburn ! Email: 

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